Greg and Rikki, any thoughts on the recent contretemps at CBS News re Ta-Nahisi Coates?

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I perceive a difference in that if one offends the right, one may be ostracized but will still keep one’s job or be able to remain in one’s chosen profession. In contrast, if one offends the left, one’s livelihood and potentially the ability to remain in one’s chosen profession are at substantial risk. I also find it ironic that proof of cancel culture exists in the very fact that one can be cancelled for arguing the point of view that cancel culture exists.

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Russell, do you get the sense that the intensity of it all is fading a bit? For example, the CBS journalist interviewing Coates was given some pushback from the higher-ups but no one lost a job or anything.

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Not necessarily. Their push back sent a clear message, so what journalist is going to be willing to tempt fate in the future? We’ll have to wait and see what the damage to Tony Dokoupil’s career is.

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